
The kitchen sink

Native HTML tags

I need some text here to show the <mark> tag properly

The table below is wrapped in

<div overflow> ... </div>
to be scrollable on mobile devices

The Three Most Popular JavaScript Libraries
Library jQuery Bootstrap Modernizr
Market Share 96.1% 17.0% 14.3%
Absolute Usage 70.4% 12.4% 10.5%
A link!

All the custom css used on this site

input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"] {
    margin-right: 1rem;
input[type="radio"]:not(:first-child) {
    margin-left: 1rem;
h2 {
    font-size: 2.5rem;
code > pre {
    background-color: rgba(212, 212, 212, 0.2);
li code {
    width: unset



<element attribute> ... </element>

More will be documented soon, you can find all in attributes.css